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“au courant”
au courant (oh" koo RAN) (adjective), more au courant, most au courant
1. Pertaining to someone who is informed about current affairs and so he or she is well-informed : The anthropologist always tried to be an au courant scholar about what was going on in Africa with the various native groups.
2. Descriptive of a person concerned about having a fully familiar and knowledgeable environment: James was a business executive who was au courant about what his staff was doing to keep his company profitable.
3. Etymology: Based on Latin currere, "to run"; then from French au courant; au, "in the" + courant, "current"; literally, "in the current"; that is, "knowledgeable or up-to-date".
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2. Descriptive of a person concerned about having a fully familiar and knowledgeable environment: James was a business executive who was au courant about what his staff was doing to keep his company profitable.
3. Etymology: Based on Latin currere, "to run"; then from French au courant; au, "in the" + courant, "current"; literally, "in the current"; that is, "knowledgeable or up-to-date".
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